And during the evening
ASMR Indigenous Health Forum: Better Health Outcomes for Mums and Bubs
The ASMR presents an Indigenous Health Forum to explore issues surrounding women’s and children’s health within the context of the broader health and social issues faced by Australian Indigenous people. The Forum will produce a set of practical, realistic recommendations designed to achieve better health outcomes.
A/Prof Ngiare Brown, Co-Director of the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, University of Sydney |
Prof Bronwyn Fredericks, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement), Central Queensland University |
Sandra Campbell, Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia |
Prof Sue Kildea, Prof of Midwifery, Joint appointment Mater Health Services Brisbane and Australian Catholic University |
Prof Roger Smith, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle |
Facilitator: | |
Mr Joshua Creamer, Barrister-at-Law, President Indigenous Lawyers Association of Queensland |
Where: Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia
When: Monday, November 26th, 6:45pm – 8:30pm
Who: This forum is open to all members of the public with an interest in Indigenous health
Attendance is free, but registration is essential! To register please click here
ASMR Indigenous Health Forum Flyer